Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Selamat tinggal 2008 ~ Selamat datang 2009

Selamat tinggal 2008

2008 ~ Keputusan Pilihanraya ke 12 pada tahun ini merupakan detik paling penting dalam sejarah parti kita sehingga mengubah sejarah 50 tahun pemerintahan BN yang tumbang di Negeri Selangor dan Parlimen Kota Raja mencatat jumlah majoriti tertinggi berbanding semua calun PAS yang bertanding diseluruh negara pada PRU kali ini.

Dengan izin dan pertolongan Allah selain menempuh cabaran dengan semangat juang dan kerjasama yang tinggi dikalangan Ansarullah Kota Raja merupakan kunci kejayaan yang kita nikmati ketika ini. Terima kasih juga kepada Kelab Penyokong PAS yang bersama-sama bertungkus lumus menjayakan misi ini.

Selalu saya katakan kemenangan PAS di Kota Raja bukan milik saya sendirian tapi ianya merupakan kemenangan kita bersama dan kita harus terus berganding bahu bersama-sama seperti mana kita lakukan untuk memastikan PAS menang di Kota Raja tempuh hari untuk ‘Berkhidmat kepada Semua’

Selamat datang 2009

2009 ~ Dalam kegawatan ekonomi global saya menjangkakan tahun ini merupakan tahun penuh cabaran untuk kita semua. Kota Raja yang terletak di pinggir bandar sebenarnya masih terlalu ramai penduduk yang hidup dalam kedaifan (rujuk wawancara saya bersama Sinar pada Isnin 15 Disember 2008).

Untuk itu pada 2009 nanti saya menjangkakan akan lebih ramai penduduk Kota Raja yang akan kehilangan pekerjaan dan sumber pendapatan mereka disebabkan kegawatan ekonomi ini. Ia nya pasti mengambil masa yang lama sekitar dua hingga tiga tahun untuk pulih.

Dikesempatan ini saya ingin menyeru kepada semua rakyat Kota Raja agar bermula dari saat ini mengamalkan cara hidup yang berhemah dan berbelanjalah mengikut keperluan sahaja.

Bagi tuan puan yang mempunyai anak yang ramai sessi persekolan yang akan bermula pada 5hb Januari 2009 nanti merupakan cabaran yang harus ditempuh oleh setiap keluarga. Dalam apa keadaan sekali pun saya berharap agar anak-anak ini mendapat pelajaran yang sewajarnya walau pun dalam keadaan apa sekali pun. Diharap ketua-ketua cawangan bersama-sama JKKK dan AJK dapat memantau perkara ini supaya tidak ada anak yang tercicir dari persekolahan pada sessi kali ini. Jika ada kes seperti ini bincang dan cari lah jalan penyelesainya.


Dr Hajjah Siti Mariah Mahmud
31 hb Disember 2008

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tokoh Maal Hijrah 1430, Tahniah Dato Seri Harussani Zakaria

Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan Semesta Alam, Selawat dan salam kepada junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Menerima berita bahawa Mufti Perak Dato Seri Harussani Zakaria diumumkan sebagai Tokoh Maah Hijrah 1430/2008 Peringkat Kebangsaan pada sambutan Maal Hijrah peringkat Kebangsaan yang diadakan di Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa (PICC) di sini semalam amat melega dan mengembira seluruh Jemaah.

Apakan tidaknya kalau sebelum seluruh jemaah menzahirkan kesedihan diatas tindakan tidak bermoral oleh pimpinan sesetengah negeri hinggakan beliau dinafikan hak untuk menyebarkan agama Allah dibumi Allah sendiri. Ada pemimpin ynag kini telah jatuh tersungkur mengharam Dato Seri Harusani dari menjejakkan kaki kesurau & masjid dinegeri tersebut, sangkanya negeri tu haknya hingga lupa hak sebenar milik Allah.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Macam mimpi

Dataran Shah Alam ; 28-12-08 ~ Satu detik bersejarah berlangsung disana dimana program Jom sertai Pas anjuran Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat telah berlangsung dengan jayanya. Program yang diresmikan oleh YB Tuan Guru Presiden PAS berlansung dengan meriah sekali turut dihadiri oleh YB Dr Mariah, YB Dr Halimah, YB Khalid Samad dan lain-lain termasuk Dato Kapten Abu Zahar bekas Ketua Umno Bahagian PJS yang telah lumpuh dan yang baru menyertai PAS.

Pada hari tersebut seramai 300 borang ahli baru didaftarkan.
Pentas dimana berlansungnya acara bersejarah tersebut diatas Dataran Shah Alam
Antara Sekretariat Parlimen Kota Raja yang hadir mengiringi YB Dr Mariah pada program tersebut

Salam Maal Hijrah 1430H

Sempena Sambutan Tahun Baru ini saya mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijiriah 1430 kepada semua Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS Kawasan Kota Raja, AJK Lajnah PAS Kawasan, Ketua-Ketua Cawangan serta AJK, Kepimpinan Muslimat PAS Kawasan & AJK, Ketua-Ketua Kampung serta AJK JKKK, ahli-ahli PAS, Kepimpinan PKR dan AJK serta Ahli serta semua pendokong dan penyokong PAS yang selama ini menjadi tulang belakang kepada Pas Kawasan Kota Raja selama ini.

Selepas 9 bulan menjadi Wakil Rakyat di Kota Raja terlalu banyak kerja dan masaalah yang perlu diselesaikan. Sebagai wakil rakyat saya cuba menyelesai setiap masaalah mengikut kemampuan saya. Walau bagaimana pun rakyat seharusnya memahami bahawa pada peringkat Faderal kita masih sebagai pembangkang yang dinafikan hak kami sebagai wakil rakyat pilihan rakyat oleh pemerintah sehinggakan tiada satu sen pun peruntukan yang diberi untuk kami supaya saya boleh salurkan di Kota Raja.

Pada peringkat ini pengundi dan penyokong Melayu boleh dikatakan melebihi 70% memahami masaalah saya …. Terima kasih.

Oleh yang demikian untuk mencari dana bagi membantu golongan yang amat sangat memerlukanya saya dengan bantuan Sekretariat Parlimen Kota Raja telah mengujudkan sebuah tabung yang dinamakan Tabung Kebajikan Parlimen Kota Raja. Antara matlamat penubuhan tabung ini adalah bagi menyediakan dana untuk membantu rakyat Kota Raja yang benar-benar miskin dan hidup mereka tidak terbela disamping pelbagai perkara lagi. Bagi sesiapa yang ingin menghulurkan sabarang bantuan berupa wang tunai, barangan makanan dan sebagainya boleh berhubung terus dengan sekretariat.

Dalam keadaan ekonomi semakin meruncing saya harap kita lebih berjimat cermat, berbelanjalah bila perlu sahaja.

Saya doakan agar semua sukses dalam apa juga perkara yang dilakukan - wassallam

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jom Balik Sekolah

Kota Raja, 25-12-2009 - Sekretariat Parlimen Kota Raja menjemput semua ahli dan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat untok hadir pada majlis diatas dan memohon bantuan untuk hadir membantu membuat persiapan bermula Jumaat 26-12-2009 jam 9.30 mlm diDewan MBSA Jalan Kebun hingga majlis selesai pada hari berikutnya : Informasi 013-3610603 (razif) & 012-0126850494 (Azmi)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Program Kemasyarakatan.

Bantuan kepada pelajar miskin dan penyampaian hadiah kepada wakil-wakil kitar semula dalam Parlimen Kota Raja telah diadakan seperti berikut :

Tarikh : 20.December.2008.

Tempat :Taman Sentosa Klang.

Sumbangan oleh SHA Hup Aik Group Companies.

**YB Dr.Siti Mariah sedang menyampaikan cenderamata kepada wakil kitar semula.

Gambar kenangan .... Lawatan kerja ke Tmn Setia

kiriman : Adam Abd Karim , Pengerusi PPTS Tmn Setia KlangKetibaan bersama suami tersayang disambut oleh Pengerusi Persatuan Penduduk Tmn Setia Sdr Adam, Ketua Muslimat Pn Hilinorazuwa dan semua AJK PPTS dan PAS Caw Tmn Setia

Memulakan lawatan serius sekali mendengar permasalahan penduduk setempat oleh Ketua Muslimat Tmn Setia.
Menziarahi dan menyampaikan sumbangan kepada ibu tunggal
Bersama YB Shuhaimi hadir dalam majlis ibadah qurban anjuran Surau Al Ikhwan
9 ekor lembu Qurban disembelih pada hari tersebut
Menghadiri majlis walimatul urus di rumah Tn Hj Muhammad Said Imam Surau Surau Al Ikhwan Taman Setia bersama Sekretariat Parlimen KR............ meneruskan lawatan ke kampung Sri Nadi ........ bersambung

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Aider in Every Home

Klang : 13.12.2008 - Bertempat di Dewan Pejabat Daerah Klang, Pejabat Parlimen Kota Raja dengan kerjasama Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah telah menganjurkan majlis diatas yang berjaya mengumpul seramai 105 peserta pelbilang kaum dari Kota Raja. Majlis yang mendapat sambutan ramai ini telah diresmikan majlis menutupan oleh YB Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Catatan dihari minggu bersama Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional Kota Raja

Kota Raja ; Ahad 14.12.08 - Aturcara hari ni bermula dengan majlis Gotong Royong di Taman Menara Maju. Majlis diresmikan oleh Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor merangkap ADUN Sri Andalas YB Dr Xavier Jayakumar.

Selesai majlis tersebut rombangan saya bersama AJK Lajnah Perpaduan Nasional Kota Raja menziarahi keluarga Vijaya Prasad yang tinggal di Tmn Sri Andalas. Ibu Vijaya yang berumur 96 tahun dan buta amat terharu dan menyatakan beliau bersyukur kepada Allah kerana tidak menyangka lawatan kami. Saya sempat berbual dan menasihatkan beliau agar menjaga kesihatan dan makan ubat.Kami meneruskan ziarah untuk menemui keluaga miskin di Tmn Setia iaitu kerumah ibu tunggal iaitu Pn Khadijah dan En Rosli Abd Aziz yang telah diberhentikan kerja. Disini rombongan kami disambut meriah oleh PAS Cawangan Tmn Tmn Setia termasuk Ketua Muslimat dan ahli seramai lebih 15 orang. Kami meneruskan ziarah bersama ahli PAS Tmn Setia ke Kampung Sri Nadi dgn jumlah ahli rombongan melebihi 20 orang.

Saya dan rombongan menziarah keluarga miskin yang kematian suami.

Seorang ibu tua yang uzur

dan seorang ibu tunggal

ziarah hari ini berakhir dengan menghadiri majlis walimatul urus di Tmn Setia dalam keadaan saya tidak sempai berbaju kurung kerana kesuntukan masa.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Doing good by PAS

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud, a first-time Member of Parliament (Kota RaJa) and a central committee member of PAS, represents the new dynamic progressive voice of the Islamic party. She spoke to Rathi Ramanathan on issues ranging from women’s issues, the NEP and homosexuality.

TheSun: You were a practising medical doctor. When and what made you turn to a political career with PAS?

Siti Mariah: I was a practising doctor for less than three years before I joined UKM as a lecturer, in pre-clinical science. I still do a bit of clinical work like diagnosing hypertension, diabetes etc.I joined as an ordinary member of PAS in 1993 but only became politically active in 1997 when I resigned as a lecturer from UPM. I chose PAS because of my religiosity and Islamic tendencies. Islam is a way of life, so understanding of politics is one thing, but the party reflects Islamic values. All in my family are PAS members, including my mother who rose to be deputy chief of the Muslimat (women’s wing).Interestingly, there are more women drawn into politics through PAS.

Did your husband object to your joining PAS?

My husband is also a PAS member. I waited until the youngest of my six children started Standard One before I made the decision to be politically active in 1997. Before that I also had a full-time job.

Do you miss being a doctor?

I do miss it as I love seeing patients. But a doctor’s job is demanding and my priority was then with my family. I was also helping my husband run his business before being elected MP.

As a first time Member of Parliament, how are you finding public life? How has it affected your life and how are you coping?

I hardly have time for the family. I have to reschedule the time with my family due to my parliamentary and constituency demands. But I am enjoying these new demands because I love meeting people. Furthermore, I no longer have to worry about earning an extra income as there is more financial independence when you are an MP and it gives me the flexibility to check in on the family business when I need to but I have delegated my duties to my daughter.PAS appears to be reinventing itself.

What can you tell us about the party’s progressive agenda?

It has a progressive agenda. Islam is a universal religion. In the last 10 years of engagement with the various sectors of society, we have found that Islam has been propagandised. However, when we took time to explain the universality of Islam and that Islam protects all and gives rights to all, we found non-Muslims to be very receptive. Race is not an issue as Islam is the overarching banner which is why we have created a new slogan – PAS for all – which communicates the message that we will fight for everyone’s right. However, PAS is an old party ... now 50 years old and we have a wide spectrum of members with intellectual and economic capacities. Our grassroots are mainly Malay rural folk and now urban and lately, we have attracted non-Muslims, too. We have been toying with the idea of having non-Muslims, especially the younger generation of Indians as members for the last ten years. We know we cannot be the main and dominant party without the non-Muslim support. They also want us to consider extending membership to them. Our own members consist of old-timers and non-progressives who fear that if we have non-Muslims as members our Islamic agenda will be diluted and we have conveyed that fear to our non-Muslim supporters.

How have you attracted urban support?

It has been through our openness toward new ideas. When it comes to Islamic knowledge and understanding of politics, the urban members are more exposed, well-read, and intellectually stronger compared to our core rural supporters. But we still have to keep in mind our core supporters. They believe Islam is a way of life but in terms of knowledge, we base our interpretation on the Madinah (Medina) model. But we have to adapt accordingly so we have intellectuals who do this and this process in turn has attracted the urbanites.

So would you say the road to a progressive agenda and to re-invent PAS is based on getting the non-Muslims on board or the reforms have to happen before wooing the non-Muslims?

I think it has to be both. You must engage the non- Muslims and also maintain your core supporters. Right now the non-Muslims are prepared to join us and have expressed that they are happy to just join as members. However, they would not have the full rights as standing members and cannot join party ranks.The head of the party will always be a Muslim and the ulamah will also have a final say in policy matters even if we did allow non-Muslims in as members.

Our decisions are based on the Quran and the Sunnah and we do not make decisions without lengthy debate which needs consensus building. The party head can use veto powers but even before that, he must have consensus.

For example, our Hindraf supporters, because they don’t belong to a party machinery, have a harder time accepting changes and understandably want to see instant improvements. So we worry also that there may be some tension within the party should they join.The status quo is that we would rather work on the basis of accepting our members as equals and at the same time educate our non-Muslim aspirants on our party struggle. If our core members can accept this then we will allow non-Muslims into our party, otherwise, there will be conflict.

Is one of area of contention the Hudud laws?

Hudud law is only the criminal part of Islam. Until and when people can understand those laws, we will not implement them. There remains a lot of ignorance surrounding Hudud laws as we were never given the opportunity to explain. Hudud laws would apply to only criminals and the process of law is still the same as any other, only the final punishment differs. As Muslims we have to believe in the ultimate law of God and make sure it can function.It is not unlike what women’s groups and the civil society underwent when lobbying for the rape laws. Without proper guidance and education, there was a lot of resistance.

We will need also to engage academicians and experts on jurisprudence before we implement the laws and then we need to train lawyers, too. Furthermore, as a member of the Pakatan, we also have to ensure that the other parties also accept the Hudud laws.If we cannot convince them, how would we be able to convince the rakyat? It is not on the top of our agenda as uppermost in our list is social justice and the welfare of the people.

How large are the progressive voices within PAS?

The progressive voices are evident in the middle ranks and they are now large, and growing.Let’s talk about the progressive agenda of women’s rights and gender equality. What efforts has PAS made towards this end?Islam itself guarantees women’s rights but it is the practices that are not in line. As far as women’s rights are concerned, we have no problem with the methodology. We do need to understand husbands’ rights and wives’ rights. And, if we are talking about rights, we also have to talk about responsibilities.

In PAS, these things are clear, and we do not agree with the position that the party is gender biased. It is up to the women in the party to chart their role in this society.It is how you quote the laws as the principles are there but lawyers, jurists have to interpret them in a way that is just for both men and women.On the issue of polygamy, men talk about it as their right, but it is not. There are clear conditions that must be satisfied and women can refuse to allow it. If we were to remove polygamy now, women would be the victims as many marriages are not even registered. So the focus in our view is on enforcement.

Are these men in fact getting their wives’ permission?

Polygamy would not be widespread unless women have consented to it. That is why polygamy is not about your right ... it also concerns the right of the family. So we need women and men to understand the laws and issues surrounding polygamy.

Is PAS engaging Sisters (SIS) in Islam?

Unfortunately, not actively. I think it is because of their image that there are problems in engaging them. SIS have done wonderful work, it is just their approach. Customs and traditions are difficult to overcome. We have our ulamah who think in a certain way. Sometimes progressive ideas are perceived to come from the West and when they fail to succeed in engaging these, the ulamah become defensive.

Are you and other women in the Muslimat (women’s wing) pushing for a progressive agenda for women?

We are focusing on the role of women, yes. Ten years ago women in PAS generally were happy not to be in the front line but that view has shifted. We played an active role and demanded, in subtle ways and pushed for ourselves to participate politically, for example, in elections.Now we are witnessing PAS women candidates in the front line but we do not support the idea of quota, because we believe these candidates must be capable as much effort has been made in training them not to feel inferior. If we see women who are capable, we push them forward. We have seen steady progress. For example, in previous elections only 11 women were fielded and in the 2008 elections, that number rose to 13. At the state level, we have ensured that in both Kelantan and Kedah executive councils women are represented.

Is there a ceiling for women in PAS?

Yes, one day, but in my life time, perhaps as high as vice-president, not president. The party is not ready for that kind of change.

You are a member of the steering committee on the Coalition Against Health Care Privatisation? Can you explain what the coalition intends to focus on?

We have to press on with the "health for all" agenda and we want to protect our public health sector so that it is accessible to all citizens and non-citizens. There are new forces like health tourism which have negatively impacted on the delivery of quality health services as more doctors are drawn to higher salaries in the private sector. The extending of private wings in public hospitals is also a big worry as it cannot but have an impact on the quality of healthcare services when doctors will be overworked.While we understand that health tourism brings in foreign exchange, we would prefer to focus on paying the doctors and paramedics better wages, fees.

What is PAS’s position on HIV and homosexuality?

Shouldn’t the Health Ministry be concerned about sodomy laws that prevent men having sex with men to come forward for prevention, testing, care and support?

HIV is just like any other disease. It can easily move into an epidemic stage. Sad to say, PAS has never actively engaged itself with people living with HIV and the homosexuals. But we don’t support the Health Ministry’s position regarding distribution of condoms.The reason being, we worry that values are not being addressed and certain sexual practices become a norm and these practices will flourish.Religion is a powerful tool for behavioural change and should be part of the HIV response. We only focus on harm reduction programmes without trying to change their values. Our experience has been that religious leaders are only engaged at the end and made use of.

So you are saying you are not involved in the policy formulation and that any consultation is tokenism?

Yes. Only when they want us to talk about our perspective, is our position and viewpoint asked. We don’t have a committee looking into issues of HIV, AIDS and sex workers for example unlike other areas like poverty eradication. When NGOs and other civil society groups involve us in their consultation we will direct our resources and information so that PAS can be better informed.However, it is clear that there is no active attempt to impart religious values. NGOs will call it indoctrination. But we need to impart values and at the same time, hold their hand. When one focuses on helping sex workers, you must also offer them real informed choices and the right support services to get them out of sex work permanently.

Would it be because of the fear of further stigmatisation that NGOs have been reluctant to engage religious leaders and PAS members?

We have to train our people. For myself, there is no problem as being trained as a doctor I can hold anyone’s hand. Engagement will help us to be less judgmental. We are less judgmental now than in the past because we are engaging. We want to hear what these groups have to say. I don’t blame them from staying away and fearing PAS. For example, religion does not allow me to shake hands with men and non-Muslims when I visit my constituency but I compromise by using a glove as I know there is little time to educate them on this. After the elections, by engaging non-Muslims and talking to them they now accept why I cannot salaam them and they accept it and respect my principles. Even the issue of entering a Hindu temple ... there is nothing haram about me going into a Hindu temple but as a politician I worry because of the backlash from Muslims. However, now my Indian constituents do understand me.

So PAS can never accept homosexuality?

We accept the people but we cannot accept the act. Our focus is getting them to come back to the straight path. When we engage them, our aim is to correct their values. Whether we succeed in their rehabilitation or not is not our responsibility. We give them the option of listening to our message.Whether you change or not is between you and God.

What is PAS’s position on the NEP? Many would argue it is a form of institutionalised racism? Would you agree?

Initially, it was not like that when it was developed on the premise of narrowing the income gap between the Malays and non-Malays and to eradicate poverty irrespective of race and religion. But yes, it has developed to become institutionalised racism.

While Malays have benefited, it is the Indians now who are impoverished.So NEP led to the poor condition of the Indians?

Yes, but I would not just blame the NEP but also the MIC leaders who have not brought up the Indian issues to the forefront. That is the role of leaders just as Umno has been strong in advocating for the Malays.While PAS’s position, however, is to reform the NEP, my personal position is that it being a form of institutionalised racism it is difficult to reform and must be dismantled because it is so entrenched. We have to start afresh with a new affirmative action for all who need it.

Do you support the idea of a system that leans towards a safety net based on income levels?

The government has already extended its safety net programme but it has to be more than that. I have already raised in Parliament for a separate fund to be set aside so that one child per family is given the opportunity to go to university. We have learnt how powerful education can be in lifting families out of poverty. Also, we need poverty eradication to be more targeted so MPs can help families directly and not have to refer the needy to two or three ministries. PAS would also lend its support for an Anti-Discrimination Act to protect all who are discriminated based on race, religion, gender. Discrimination is happening not just at the public sector but the private sector as well. There is so much fear that if the NEP is dismantled, the Chinese and Indians will not hire the Malays. This legislation is aimed at protecting all and alleviating such fears.

What is PAS’s position on human rights?

We believe in social justice and basic political and civil rights, freedom of expression, assembly, but it must be contexualised within collective rather than individual rights. The bottom line with the Islamic struggle is whatever we do, Islam is to be respected and we can practise our religion and if we are suppressed we will fight it. It is our duty to convey and spread the Islamic way of life. We do not coerce people to follow Islam. However, the principles of participation is encouraged through lengthy debates. We never come out with a position without a debate among all party ranks. We believe change has to come from the top and the bottom.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


13-12-2008 (SABTU)
9.00 PAGI - 5.00 PETANG

TEL: 03-5161 9000

Saturday, December 6, 2008



Kalimah berDISIPLIN bererti seseorang itu melakukan sesuatu dengan teratur dan menurut perencanaan, patuh kepada peraturan-peraturan, pandai mengurus masa serta menjaga ketepatan waktu.

Tuntutan Disiplin Dalam Organisasi

Anggota-anggota jemaah yang berdisiplin adalah penting seperti pentingnya kepemimpinannya juga.

Maududi menulis "......sebuah gerakan, sekalipun mempunyai ciri ciri yang baik, menemui kegagalan hanya disebabkan oleh hakikat bahawa ia tidak dapat menterjemahkan skema-skemanya ke bentuk praktik. Ini berpunca daripada ketiadaan disiplin dan kerjasama. Usaha-usaha berdisiplin bermakna bahawa seluruh jemaah mesti mengikut prosedur serta peraturan yang telah ditetapkan olehnya."

1. Seorang Muslim wajib beriltizam dengan arahan dan nizam (sistem) jamaah. Itu adalah perkara asasi dan perlu untuk kebaikan perjalanan amal dan usaha merialisasikan segala tujuan jemaah. Kesetiaan ini dipandang sebagai taat dan ibadah kepada Allah.

2. Setiap anggota jemaah mesti membiasakan dirinya melaksanakan setiap perintah pemimpin atau mas'ulnya dalam jamaah. Dia mesti taat kepada pemimpin di waktu susah, senang, sama ada suka atau tidak, asalkan perkara yang tidak mungkar dan tidak maksiat.

3. Tentera da'wah wajib menjaga waktunya dengan bersungguh sungguh, berdisiplin dalam segenap urusannya dengan peraturan yang rapi, berguna kepada manusia, mampu berusaha, mujahid untuk dirinya, berwaspada dari godaan hartabenda, anak dan isteri. ".....tiap tiap anggota majlis itu mestilah bersungguh sungguh untuk menghadirkan dirinya pada waktu yang telah ditentukan dan tidak boleh lambat datang kecuali kerana tersangat terpaksa. Itupun dengan memberitahu alasan terlebih dahulu.

Kelemahan Tanpa Disiplin.

Organisasi lemah dan lembab. Kerja-kerja terbengkalai dan da'wah tidak akan berkembang. Dan tidak tercapai matlamat gerakan. Disiplin merupakan salah satu faktor (berkait dengan individu) yang menyebabkan para du'at gugur/tercicir disepanjang jalan da'awah.

Sebab Kemerosotan Disiplin.

1. Kemerosotan Iman.

Menjadikan seseorang itu tidak sensitif terhadap perlaksanaan sesuatu tugas itu dengan segera. Salah satu kesan ialah tiada iltizam dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan untuk sesuatu perjumpaan ataupun waktu yang telah ditentukan untuk melaksanakan sesuatu kerja.

2. Kemahuan yang Lemah dan Kurang Azam - Menyebabkan cepat berputus asa, mengalah serta mudah patah semangat.

3. Masalah Peribadi

4. Penyakit Lupa - Lupa kepada arahan, peraturan, waktu pertemuan serta tugas-tugas. Salah satu sebab mempunyai terlampau banyak tugas.

5. Sikap Kurang Tegas Pemimpin.

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